WORKMANSHIP: All work will be performed professionally by experienced personnel outfitted with the appropriate tools and equipment to complete the job properly. Work will be conducted in accordance to ANSI standards as well as the best management practices established by the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture).
All brush, logs, and incidental debris from tree pruning and tree removal operations shall be reasonably cleaned up and properly disposed of unless otherwise indicated in the estimate.
INSURANCE: Full Circle Tree Co. is fully insured for liability resulting from injury to persons or property.
OWNERSHIP: The customer warrants that all trees, plant material and property upon which work is to be performed are either owned or that permission for the work has been obtained from the owner.
COSTS: Full Circle Tree Co. has provided the total cost for the completion of the work in the attached estimate. Should there be any reason to modify the scope of work, Full Circle Tree Co. will seek your approval with a revised estimated cost before commencing any additional work.
TERMS OF PAYMENT: Payment is due upon completion of work. Wisconsin sales tax (5.5%) shall be added in the final invoice. All accounts are net payable upon receipt of the invoice.